1 in 4 women in the UK, and up to 70% in some parts of the world, have experienced sexual or physical violence. In recent months we have seen global outrage at the scale of this issue. But violence is not inevitable.
The time has come to #drawaline to end violence against women and girls. Will you take action?
Action: how UN Women are helping to eliminate violence
UN Women works to change the lives of survivors and preventing future violence all over the world. We work at the highest level, alongside governments to implement laws that will protect women, but also locally, in villages, towns and cities, to change behaviour and empower people of all genders to take a stand. We are changing the way the world works for women.
We are helping provide urgent medical and legal services that treat survivors of violence, such as emergency contraception, HIV prophylaxis and care kits. #drawaline for better treatment, respect and a safe place.
We are supporting survivors through the services needed to move forward and stop violence from recurring. #drawaline to help survivors of violence rebuild their lives.
Violence against women is not inevitable. There are ways to prevent it from happening and you can help. Everyone has a role to play. #drawaline to educate others that violence is wrong.
We are helping survivors around the world to speak out, turn their lives around, and inspire others, holding perpetrators to account. #drawaline and break the silence.
The economic effects of violence against women are devastating, with violence against women costing the world approximately 1.3 trillion pounds. #drawaline and let’s put our money where our mouth is.
We are working to change attitudes and behaviour towards violence against women in the UK. Come along to our next empowerment and self-defence workshop in Edmonton - get your tickets now.
If you or someone you know is at risk of violence, you should seek advice as soon as possible.
National Domestic Violence (free, 24 hours a day): 0808 2000 247
National Rape Helpline: 0808 802 9999
NSPCC FGM helpline: 0800 028 3550
Victim Support Helpline (confidential support to anyone affected by crime): 0808 168 9111 (or 0345 603 9213 for Scotland/02890 244039 for Northern Ireland)
Respect Helpline (for anyone who feels they may be a perpetrator): 0808 802 4040
All of these numbers are free to phone, or find out more about your rights if you are experiencing domestic violence, and about the provisions created by Clare’s Law online.
If you believe there is an immediate risk of harm to yourself or someone else, always call 999.